The Covered Bond Report

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Clifford Chance’s Siddiqui joins Label advisory council

Amer Siddiqui of Clifford Chance has joined the Covered Bond Label Advisory Council, replacing Peter Voisey, who left the law firm and joined Dentons.

The Covered Bond Label Foundation (CBLF) announced the appointment by Clifford Chance today (Monday).

“We are pleased that Clifford Chance has re-affirmed its commitment to the work of the Covered Bond Label Foundation’s Advisory Council by appointing Mr Siddiqui as their market representative,” said Luca Bertalot, CBLF administrator and EMF-ECBC secretary general.

The Label Advisory Council works in an advisory role with the Label Committee, which includes members of the European Covered Bond Council (ECBC) steering committee.

The full line-up of the Label Advisory Council is:

Market representatives (based on a rotation principle):

Andreas Denger, Senior Portfolio Manager at Meag Munich Ergo Asset Management GmbH

Hélène Heberlein, Managing Director, Covered Bonds, Fitch Ratings

Ana Manuela Marques, GOH Portugal

Amer Siddiqui, Senior Associate, Capital Markets, Clifford Chance

Observer representatives:

Loïc Chiquier, Chief Technical Officer and Senior Advisor of the Finance & Markets Global Practice, World Bank Group

Hugh Friel, Manager – Local Currency and Capital Market Development Team, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

Lars Overby, Head of Unit – Regulation, European Banking Authority (EBA)

Ad Visser, Head of the Financial Markets and Collateral Section in the ECB’s Market Operations Analysis Division, European Central Bank (ECB)

National authority representatives:

François Haas, Deputy General Manager, DG Operations, Banque de France

Concha Jiménez, Director of Operations Department, Banco de España

Michal Klestinec, Senior Portfolio Manager, National Bank of Slovakia

Wojciech Zielonka, Senior Vice President, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)